Well this is a surprise. Grandma Irene and I walked into the Hospital to see my mother Sitting in bed wide awake and Talking. It seems her stubburn side, decided at 10.30 this morning while the nurses turned their back for 5 minutes, she some how got her hand up to her mouth and pulled out the ventalation and feeding tube. THANK GOD she did not do any damage. but Shes been awake all day and back to the old grumpy self.
She still can not eat though she is starving she needs to be evaluated to see if she can eat that should be tomorrow.. She thanks everyone for praying for her. She is still draining fluid from the lung sac, I have not heard if they have any results on it yet. But for breathing, She was normally on 2 liters of oxygen while she was at home they have her on 20 now. really pushing it into her. She is exhaling great the doctor said so the draining and all really helped.
The first she said to me was whats wrong with me. SO I told her, She understood. of course when the nurse came in and asked her the date and year she did get the year wrong at first but that dont matter, she got everything else right, so shes all there. Oxygenation was good, breathing was great Blood pressure was up but I think thats cause of all thats happened today. She was still in restraints cause they didnt want her pullin the chest tube out or the vain tap. They take blood for the blood work and they need it from and Artery not a vain so instead of keep poking her she leave a basically a IV tap in. The whole time we were there she was makin us laugh, She wants her books and games and you knew whe was herself when she said you guys are leaving now right :) and go home paul. Told her we love her and to be good and not pull anything else out.
So over all ITS looking real good, they need to find out what this fluid is and where its coming from first. when they do that they will know what to do I hope. So it all looks good just pray she keeps getting better
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