Well, meant to do this earlier. BUT mom is back. The chest drain is OUT. Oxygen is down to 2 liters now. Chemo is doing great. She has had her second time with it. NO effects as of yet, only trouble was train to find a vein. After next week if they still have trouble finding the vein they will put in a c pas or something like that. Its basically a port that is in the arm under the skin that has a tube going up a vein into the main vein that comes out of the hart. This way all they need to do is find that port and hook in there.
Had her out Shopping today no problems whatsoever. Breathing is good. The Nurse that comes to the house had her final visit on Friday. So all is looking good. She does check her email so if you feel like emailing her please. Link to her email is below the Get well card.
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