Thursday, January 19, 2006

Thursday, 19 January 2006 9:42 PM CDT

Well, Mom looks good. Her color is fantastic, She is Eating solids just can not drink liquid unless its a think nector or shake type. She hasn't been out of bed yet but to use the facilities but that is with help. She is weak as would be expected.
She is talking better louder so you can hear her, She still doesn't feel good but better then she did. They have not figured out what or where the fluid is or is coming from hopefully tomorrow, but its still draining all together now almost 4 liters worth. For some reason pops thinks she'll be home sunday or monday but I doubt it. Until they get the fluid issue under control I think they are going to keep her. She is sitting up reading her book. Its hard to cause her hands are still swollen. She may be moved tomorrow we think to a regular room and out of MICU. BUT over all She is doing fantastic. I have passed on all wishes and thoughts on to her She says thank you to everyone. But we still have a long way to go.

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