Saturday, January 21, 2006

Saturday, 21 January 2006 4:45 pm CDT

Well today she looks good. She feels human again cause she finally got her hair washed and is doing good. Course as all Hospitals she didn't get a good sleep cause they kept coming in and waking her. But Oxygen levels are great. They Put the only to explain this, is they put a glue in through the drain tube of her chest. This glue basically spreads around the lung and glues the lung to the chest wall. When they did this it did hurt a little, she got lucky and was one of the 30% to feel pain they said that most just feel discomfort. They leave it in for two hours and then open the drain.
Basically what this does is makes no room for the fluid to fill it up. The fluid by the way is Lymphatic fluid they said that some of the lymph nodes and veins are blocked most likely cause of the cancer. by blocking the access to the lung its forcing the fluid to goto another lymphatic drain. After the finished putting the glue in her breathing level got to be normal. WE normally are at anywhere between 96 to 100 meaning that anywhere between 95% and 100% of the Oxygen in the blood is oxygen and the remaining 4% to 0 is CO2. Hers jumped anywhere between 96 to 100. After an hour or so it dropped down to 94 which it has been steady at since friday morning. They really wont know if the glue is working for a few hours. When we left she had draing 150ml I think it is so out of 150 120 is the glue so she took an extra 30 ml out which they say could just be some that was in there. So in a few hours we should know if that works. IF it works the drain tube should come out tomorrow and they are talking about putting her into anothe room tomorrow. and possible going home in a week give or take.
Im iffy about that cause of what they were saying yesterday, if she goes home now she would only have 4-6 weeks and understand that they dont have portable units like we have at home to push the quantity of oygen in here that they are using now. so whether shell be around for another 6 months who knows. But shes feeling fine, sitting up they told her that they would try standing her up today but as of the time we left they hadn't. so outlooks good and bad. will keep all updated as norm.

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