Thursday, July 08, 2010


My mother was an angel if there was any. I know I haven't been the best daughter got into trouble fortunately not by my own accord, but no matter what I did she was there. The neighbors remember her as a kind, fun loving individual who didn't mind having the entire neighborhood of kids in her yard. She loved to make people laugh.

She loved her children and her grandchildren and Great Grandchildren biological or step with all her heart never putting one over the other. She fought this long battle with lung cancer and Emphysema for along time telling death to stay back your not taking me I have alot to do. But no matter how hard she fought she couldn't fight that much more. Radiation and Chemo therapy was taking its toll, But in the end it was the lungs. 45 years of smoking did it in. No matter what the lungs just got worse and wouldn't scrub the carbon dioxide out of her blood and each breath was a struggle.

She enjoyed a extremely good day and went to bed as normal everynite, drifting off into dreamland and ended up staying. One can only hope that when she couldn't breath anymore that she didn't wake up and feel anything and just simply went off to the play ground finally holding her son Paul Lees hand to be with him, to find Mom and dad there and all the others Alan, Great Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Gertie, Sister Solomia all waiting there in the playground with her to enjoy eternity together again at last. I love you Mom and miss you terribly.

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