Saturday, January 28, 2006

Saturday, 28 January 2006

Well, MOM is home. Brought here home today. But shes not happy. Why? Well. She has to Hospice and in order for her to have Hospice its either at home or at one. Well in order for Medicare to pay it she is Homebound. That didnt go off to well cause she came home with the attitude of IM home Im fine. She wants to go shopping. But they gave her the warning.
But shes doing good just has to be careful on what she does and more verbal to us on hows shes feeling.
learned today how to take care of the chest drain today didnt get anything out of it. The Doctor says it could be healing on its own. But the Xray still showed fluid. Debbi made point today. This came on with the Radiation so we think the radiation started it NOT saying it couldnt have happened on its own. BUT now that the radiation is over maybe it will stop flowing the liquid. Well have to see.

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